Being pregnant as a teen

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant” those words to some women give them tears of joy.  Others, like myself,  tears of shock, fear, and dread. In my experience of finding out I was pregnant I argued with the doctor because I was taking the birth control pills and thought “nah he wore a condom and I’m on birth control so it can’t happen to me” well if you said those words most likely it did happen to you. I found out during spring break of my junior year of high school and my mom took me to urgent care because of really bad stomach pains and wham bam chicken and ham the doctor told me I was pregnant. I had expected my mom to scream and yell at me for getting pregnant at 16 but she was strangely cool with it which I’m so thankful for, my dad on the other hand had was beyond disappointed and livid with me. Next I told my son father who, like me was in shock but he didn’t want a baby and gave me an ultimatum; get an abortion or I walk out forever. Now I personally wouldn’t consider abortion for myself but I’m pro choice and if that’s what you want then you do it and don’t let anyone tell you what to do with YOUR body. So he left and has stayed gone ever since the April of 2013. And ladies sometimes the men aren’t man enough to take care of a child and honestly it’s their loss because they’re missing out on a wonderful creation. As a pregnant teen I got a lot of rude comments from people I thought were my friends and from random people because they thought it was okay to put their two cents into my life,  and that’s never going to change but as long as you know you’re doing the best for you and your child that’s all that matters. For me being pregnant was fun, I didn’t get morning sickness or high blood pressure or diabetes which does happen in some pregnancies but what fun was seeing the ultrasounds, feeling the kicks/hiccups/seeing my belly do the worm,  watching my belly grow, and eating all the food I wanted and no one told me I had to stop. My son is my blessing but if I could have waited I would have. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing whether you’re 16 or 26


Bedtime blues

Sleep, as we all know is an important thing whether it 8 hours or 12 hours we all need sleep. Now as a baby sleep is even more important than when we’re adults.  As a newborn my son would sleep for two hours, wake up to eat then play around and we’d talk. As he grew older he started sleeping more hours which was great until I learned that when he slept in my bed he didn’t want to sleep anywhere else but my bed. He’s been sleeping on and off in my bed since he was three months old, every once in a while he’d sleep in his crib but other than that nope it’s either mommy’s bed or scream and fuss all night. In the beginning co sleeping worked well because I was breastfeeding, and I could pop the boobies out right then and there but breastfeeding was really hard for me due to the lack of breast milk I had. But now that Liam is older and he’s going through separation anxiety, and getting him to sleep in his crib for more than a hour is seemingly impossible even for small naps during the day. Although I enjoyed co sleeping when he was younger it’s not so wonderful now due to him constantly rolling around trying to get comfortable. They say when you’re a parent nothing is just yours anymore whether it’s your time, money, sleep, or even going to the bathroom. If I could start over I would have stopped the co sleeping at 3 months or gotten a bassinet that attached to the side of my bed, which I found really cool but never got one, because I’ve read and heard that some children sometimes up to in their teen years will still want to sleep with their parents. Furthermore although I personally don’t like co sleeping anymore it does create a bond between you and your child which is truly amazing but it is hard to break when you decide you want to stop the co sleeping.

They weren’t kidding when they said children get into everything

Screenshot_2015-01-19-13-45-09Liam has been walking since he was 11 months old and let me tell you when they say “put locks on all the cabinets” do it!!!  I only have locks in the kitchen and game room where all of the breakables, and cleaning supplies are but I never thought I’d have to put locks on the cabinets in my bathroom because there’s only feminine products, toilet paper,  makeup, and styling tools. Well needless to say I thought wrong because this little guy pulls EVERYTHING out no matter what it is it’s all over the bathroom floor. At first I thought it was cute and laughed when he’d give me my straightener with a big grin, but now it’s not so cute because he’ll stick his whole torso into the cabinets to get my box of pads and dump them all out. I but him tons and tons of fun toys but he’d rather have a random household object to play with and gets mad then throws a tantrum when I take it from him because he’ll slam it on the walls or throw it across the living room. My mom has nicknamed him Havoc because because of all the toys he’s broken and messes he’s made. He is my pride and joy in this world but when he pulls all the wipes out of his wipey box its safe to say he can be a menace sometimes.

Anything is possible

Hi I’m Brianna I’m 18 years old and I have a 13 month old baby boy named Liam.  If you’re reading this bare with me because I’m a first time blogger but in high school I was really good at writing. As I’m sure you guessed I’m a teen mom and honestly it was the best thing to ever happen to me,  I wasn’t big on partying or drugs but I wasn’t great in school but when I found out I was pregnant I started doing better in school and I ended up graduating a month before I had my son who was born in late November. I’ve had a lot of people say I wouldn’t amount to anything because I had my son at such a young age but I’m doing everything I can to make sure Liam will have the best life he could ever possibly have. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment on this blog and give me pointers or even ask questions you’d like answered.